"Il Castello dei Tarocchi" appeared in August 2010. It was intended to accompany a Tarot exhibition in Turin in July 2010 in the Borgo e Rocca Medioevale, which once had been constructed 1884 and served in the Exposition Mondiale in Turin 1911 as a Museum. However, some unlucky technical conditions made the exibition impossible.
The book was produced in Italian language as an anthology with the participation of leading Tarot history researchers, most from Italy and some of foreign countries, between them a few connected to the intensive research of The essays present topics of six centuries Tarot history and are accompanied by more than 500 pictures.

Compare Tarot News Report of August 2010


Edited by Andrea Vitali
The Castle of Tarot

Essays by Giordano Berti, Alain Bougearel, Franco Cardini, Ross Sinclair Caldwell, Thierry Depaulis, Gerardo Lonardoni, Alberto Milano, Lothar Teikemeier, Giovanni Tesio, Bepi Vigna, Andrea Vitali, Girolamo Zorli.
published by Lo Scarabeo Editions, Turin, 2010

Cardboard cover printed in gold with warm marks.
Measures: cm. 33 x 24.
224 full colour Pages, 580 figures.
Edition in Italian language.

Volume created with the contribute of Piedmont Region “Culture, Tourism and Sport”, Library Department, Archives and Cultural Institutes.

ISBN-10: 8865270039
ISBN-13: 978-8865270035

The history of Tarots written by the most important scholars. An art book, totally updated, extraordinary for the number of images and texts. A whole work to understand the origin, the historical evolution, the symbols and the myth of the most beautiful cards in the world.


Part One

The birth of Tarots
by Girolamo Zorli
From the didactic and encyclopaedic decks of the XV century to the Ludus Triumphorum; the illuminated cards of the courts and for common people.

At the beginning there were 14 Triumphs
by Lothar Teikemeier
The number of Triumphs in the first illuminated decks and their following transformations.

Tarots. Universal archetypes among Orient and Occident
by Gerardo Lonardoni
Tarots as archetypical ideas of different kind; the Green Tara and the gathering of the 21 Tara; the path of mystic symbolism.

Tarots and Neo Pitagorism
by Alain Bougearel
The numerological structure of Tarots and its derivation from the Pythagoras’ arrhythmology.

The mystical Staircase of Tarots
by Andrea Vitali
From Petrarch’s Triumphs to the Ludus Triumphorum; the Christian path of the Staircase as teaching marked on the 22 Triumphs; Tarots and Art of Memory.

The Prince of Tarots
by Andrea Vitali
The Prince Francesco Antelminelli Castracani Fibbia, inventor of the Ludus Triumphorum.

Part Two

The game of Tarots among Court and Popular Culture.
by Franco Cardini
The mental and symbolic structure of Triumphs; the iconological influences of philosophy and of the great plastic-figurative art of the Renaissance.

Iconology of Tarots
by Andrea Vitali
The 22 Triumphs decoded at the light of Christian spirituality, of the Ancient myths, of the neo platonic philosophy, of the hermetic-esoteric current.

Symbolic Seeds
by Andrea Vitali
The meaning of the seeds of tarots cards as they were interpreted during Renaissance.

Tarots in Literature
by Andrea Vitali
Sonnets, satires, combined tarots and literary works written about tarots from the XV to the XIX century.

Italo Calvino and the games of Crossed Tarots
by Giovanni Tesio
The game of Tarots in “The Castle of Crossed Destinies” by Italo Calvino.

Part Three

The game of Cards and Hazard
by Andrea Vitali
The position of the Church and civil authorities; Tarots as ingenious game; documents and testimonies.

Tarots in Europe
by Alberto Milano
Tarots and Tarocchino from the XVI to the   XIX century; geographical decks, with landscapes, scenes, with double figure; printers and ways of making.

The Piedmont Tarot
by Thierry Depaulis
The first factories and documents; the rules of the game; the age of gold; The Liguria- Piedmont Tarot.

The Tarots of Giovanni Vacchetta
by Giordano Berti
Vacchetta’s Naibi (Spanish Naipes) of among academic exercise and neo gothic current.

Part Four

Origin of Cartomancy
by Ross Sinclair Caldwell
Cartomancy as a divinatory practice used since the Renaissance; Tarots in the witch tradition; Cartomancy in Europe; Cartomancy among Esoterism and Occultism.

Court de Gébelin and the Occult Tradition
by Gerardo Lonardoni
The origin of the Esoteric Tarot and the oral tradition of Masonic lodges in the XVIII century.

Tarots and Esoterism
by Giordano Berti
From Etteila to Aleister Crowley; the esoteric and occultist Tarot in France, England and Europe.

Contemporary Art and Tarots
by Bepi Vigna
Tarots created by the most important artists of Nine Hundred and of our century; symbols and painting - artistic techniques. 

Il Castello dei Tarocchi

The projected exhibition location
Borgo e Rocca Medioevale in Turin

Il Castello dei Tarocchi
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